Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hey It's Franklin

Do any of you watch Noggin with your children? If so
do you feel like you hum this song and others
throughout your workday?

Laura Katherine had a follow up appointment Monday to
check on her lungs. Dr. Head said that she can still
hear some "rattling" in her chest so we need to
continue her nebulizer treatments. LK did a good job
staying calm at the visit. She has been getting quite
upset when she realizes that Dr. Head is going to
listen to her chest and look in her ears. She begins
to whimper at first sight of the stethoscope. I now
have Dr. Head listen to my heart and look in my ears
in front of LK so she sees that it is okay.

This week has been filled with fun events. Sunday we
put up our Christmas tree while LK was napping. When
she came out into the den after her nap she gasped and
gasped while looking at the tree. It was FUNNY!
Wednesday night we went to the WK basketball game.
Laura Katherine and her friend Blythe danced around
to the music. Thursday LK went to "workout" at MyGYM.
Today we are going to hangout at the house. Finish
putting up Christmas stuff and talk to Jay's brother,
Stacey, and Caiden over a webcam. Last night we
talked over the cam and it was so exciting. We loved
being able to look in on part of their life. It makes
us feel closer!

Tomorrow we are going to see the "Lights at the Zoo"
with the Brown Family. It will be fun to see Xavier
and LK together.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Here comes Santa Claus

November is over and we are gearing up for Christmas. We have had a lot going on over the past month. Thanksgiving was wonderful and we enjoyed spending time with our family. Thanksgiving day went over to Grandmommy and Grandaddy Gantt's house. We enjoyed lots of family time and YUMMY food. Laura Katherine learned to blink from Uncle Keith, to count to TWO from Auntie Laura Jane and enjoyed playing with Auntie Katherine's dog Beamer. We stayed at GM and GD's through Sunday dinner. When we are there we all just enjoy LK, relaxing and telling stories.

Saturday night everyone but Grandmommy went to the Carolina vs Clemson game together. We had a great time, even though the Gamecocks lost. After the game we all came home and stuffed our faces with Granddaddy's pimento cheese. Grandmommy informed us that LK was not feeling so hot. We took her to the doctor on call Sunday. They said that they could not see in her ears and that she was just "sick". Well LK was still running a high fever of 102.6 on Tuesday so we took her back to her normal doctor. Dr Head said that LK had an ear infection and pneumonia. We have to give her breathing treatments 4 times a day with a nebulizer. We kept her home all week. Everyone took turns staying home. We take her back for a checkup on Monday. We'll give you an update then.

Last night Jay's brother Peter called and they were able to catch up. It is so fun to hear the boys talking to each other and seeing what has been going on. Peter lives in Australia with his partner Stacey and our nephew Caiden (born 16 days before LK). We are hoping to see them this spring.

Today we went to the Carolina Carilon Parade with The Keipers. It was super exciting driving down there but after sitting the same spot for 2 hours and only 11 floats etc going by we were ready to jet before Santa was even close. RIDICULOUS!!!! We will try this again next year when the girls are older.

With the holidays approaching we are on the lookout in the sky for Santa. We know he is making his list and checking it twice.

Pictures will be posted soon. E

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Its getting a little bit cold outside...

Those of you who know me best know that I (Elizabeth) am ALWAYS cold. It can be 100 degrees outside and I'll be happy in jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt. I cant stand the winter because of this. My child however is happy as can be in this weather. She loves putting on mittens, cute hats and she wants a scarf to make her outfit complete. This afternoon she also wanted her pink sunglasses on for her ride over to Grandmommy and Granddaddy's house. She is a riot.

We have had an eventful week. Last week I turned 31 :-) and my father turned 60 on the same day. Granddaddy picked up Laura Katherine at Mrs Wanda's house and brought her over to White Knoll to see some of my students. Then we went home to celebrate the birthdays a la Gantt style with a home cooked meal, "Connie" cake and lots of festively wrapped presents. The day after my birthday I found out that I am a National Board Certified Teacher :-) I have been working on this certification for two years. I started this process right before I became pregnant with Laura Katherine. We are super excited. We wrapped up the week with an ear infection for LK and a cold/cough for Mommy. Today we hug around the house and then Jay and I went to see American Gangster (great flick I must add) while LK played at GM and GD's house.

I am going to add a pic of LK in her Halloween costume because everyone has been asking what she was dressed as :-) Have a great week. I will be sure to keep you updated.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What has been going on?

Laura Katherine is now 15.5 months. She is talking up a storm and can say lots of words. Mom, Dad, Cat, Dog, (and make these animal sounds), Aunt-T, HEY, ELMO, Yum, Uh-oh, No, Yeah, Thank You, eye, belly, shoes, pizza (0nly once), Madeline, Jacob, and Annabell (these are the names of some of her friends at Mrs Wanda's house). Laura Katherine is also an AVID reader. She LOVES books, especially ones she has obtained from her friends. LK can get books that we tell her to go get. If we say "Laura Katherine go get 10 Little Fishes!" she goes straight to that book, or looks for it, and brings it back. Laura Katherine is also all about shaking her bootie. She LOVES to dance. Her favorite song to dance to right now is "In the Club" by 50 Cent. Too Funny.

We enjoy every second being together as a family. Last night Laura Katherine, Jay and I laid in the floor on our backs and just talked. LK was just rambling on about something. It was so fun. Watching her grow up is amazing. We enjoy sharing this time with our families as well.

Laura Katherine is expecting a new 2nd cousin anytime now. My cousin Ele and her husband Will are expecting their 1st child any day now. Good Luck.

Thought to ponder as we get closer to Thanksgiving....What do YOU hunger for?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Laura Katherine

Laura Katherine is doing great! She was sick last week...every single day. She now has her very first tooth :-) We noticed she was teething two weeks ago hard and it appeared last Saturday the 10th. She is waving like crazy with her arms and her cute hands and kissing like a pro. It would be appropriate for us to hum the Jaws theme song when she gets close :-)

What is this all about?

Hi All! Thanks to my good friend Alicia I have decided to post information about our family on this site because it is free!!! I have used blogger before for a graduate class but not for fun! Cant wait to fill you in weekly about what has been going on.